Heureka organized two Multiplier events for teachers. First one 9.2.2023 was part of the Teachers’ Night programme, with a OTA presentation for all the 70 participants, and workshops were held for 27 participants.
The Workshops were:
- Archimedes Experiment
- Citrus Rays
- Find the Mistakes
- Testing of GeoGebra, Kahoot, Quizlet, and Phet Colorado
The second Multiplier event 16.2.2023 was for 30 pre booked participants, who were teachers and teaching professionals (from cities of Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Karjaa, Iittala, Hämeenlinna and Kerava), and teacher students (from Helsinki University). Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi from Jyväskylä University gave a speech on using mathematics with art for teenagers, Dr. Paula Havaste told about OTA project, and eight Activities were open for the participants:
- Archimedes Experiment
- Round Earth on Flat Paper
- Money Laundering
- Floating Metal
- Möbius String
- From Rice to Mosaic
- Testing of GeoGebra and Kahoot
- Testing of Quizlet and Phet Colorado
The feedback from the survey proved that teachers were pleased with OTA Activities. The level of expectations was considered good, content understandability and relevancy good or excellent.