In Slovenia we organized 2 multiplier events. First took place on 27. 2. 2023 at the The Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana. Presenters of Education centre Geoss and Primary school of Litija stepped in a class full of future primary school teachers, who welcomed us open-handed. Even though the event was open to anyone interested in its topic, mainly the students of chemistry were present and showed a lot of appreciation to our project. First and with a little help of Oto the scientist, we presented the project in general and lead participants through its phases. After the presentation, we continued in a form of workshop, so participants had an opportunity to try some of the activities or exercises first-hand. Event proved that activities are indeed very engaging and interactive. They all liked the appearance of the project’s overall visual identity and interaction of activities on the platform. After the official end of the event a long debate evolved, since participants were extremely interested in a broader context of project, including technical and managerial issues, such projects include.
The other multiplier event was conducted at the premises of National Gallery of Slovenia on 9. 3. 2023. Again, the participants were very responsive and welcomed the idea of teaching approaches, this project introduced to them. They said they are indeed missing more hands-on activities for pupils and that teaching science through art is a great way to concretize abstract science topics. Participants particularly enjoyed the workshop part of the event, which took place in the breath-taking mezzanine of National Gallery, so they were surrounded by a classical Slovenian artwork and the motivation for active participation was very high. Everybody left the event with a new, positive and motivating experience. Presenters of project’s partner organizations National Gallery of Slovenia, Primary school of Litija and Educaton Centre Geoss were happy to show the content to public and even happier after all the positive feedbacks.