
The role of schools and stakeholders in education will be reinforced as science teachers will be equipped with new methods and tools to teach online. Science centres, universities, galleries and teachers of other subjects will be actively involved in the project as they will contribute with new means to deliver learning in formal settings, thus offering significant benefits in relation to learning outcomes and enabling a smoother integration of online science education through different Art forms.

The partnership will work to raise public and policy makers’ awareness (Ministries for Education).  Partners will create high quality digital content through innovative online resources. For instance, OTA MOOC PLATFORM will contain innovative learning material so as to teach Science through the Visual Arts. It will present good practice, gather and offer free materials to all interested public, especially to primary/secondary science teachers.

Primary/secondary science teachers will be able to improve their skills and competencies, by getting involved in OTA educational tasks and activities. Their participation will have a long-lasting effect on their personal and professional background, improving their capability to produce lasting changes and promoting project sustainability. This will be granted by the school institutions which participate in the project due to the fact that the OTA methodology and toolkit will be used in the upcoming years along with possible adjustment and adaptation.