With the aim of supporting school teachers deliver more interesting and interactive science lessons, the OTA partnership has developed 101 activities, combining Art with Maths, Physics and Chemistry.
All activities are now available on our e-Learning platform, which was introduced at Kalogeropoulou Gymnasium in Limassol Cyprus, on the 1st of March 2023. Fifty students and their teacher participated in the piloting session, testing an activity about forces/ centre of gravity and sharing their feedback.
The comments were quite encouraging. The teacher found the piloted activity useful to be applied in class. It has a clear structure, proposing an interesting connection between science and art: more specifically, students had to explore the centre of gravity and experiment through the creation of beautiful balanced crafts. The teacher expressed his willingness to use the OTA platform in his daily teaching practices class and recommend it to his colleagues.
The e-Learning platform and activities can be accessed here: https://elearning.ota-project.eu/